• 124 reviews
Awesome Cookie Manager
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Awesome Cookie Manager
Awesome Cookie Manager
Awesome Cookie Manager
Awesome Cookie Manager
Awesome Cookie Manager

Unleash Your Productivity with the Top-Rated Chrome Extension: The Awesome Cookie Manager

The quest for productivity boosters in today's digital era is ceaseless. With an array of productivity apps for Chrome available, finding the right one can be daunting. One chrome extension that stands out is the Awesome Cookie Manager, a highly-rated productivity tool that brings a significant productivity enhancement to your daily digital routine.

The Awesome Cookie Manager: Your Partner in Business Productivity

With an impressive aggregate rating of 4.05 out of 5, the Awesome Cookie Manager is your go-to extension for managing cookies on Google Chrome . This top extension allows you to search, view, edit, and delete cookies, as well as save them for restoration later. Thus, it helps not just in enhancing your business productivity but also in securing your online activities.

Several factors contribute to the popularity and high rating of this chrome productivity extension. As per user reviews, it’s a great utility for advanced users, allowing them to manage cookies without deleting the ones necessary for their sign-ins. From pesky ad tracking cookies to cookie restoration, this extension covers it all, proving to be a substantial tool to boost email and social media productivity.

Positive User Reviews: A Testament to Its Excellence

One user review by Tony England sums up the effectiveness of this Chrome extension, stating, "I absolutely loved it. Finally, I can use checkboxes again to search to delete unwanted cookies en masse, 5 stars from me." Similarly, another user, iN Tern, praised its utility for advanced users, calling it the "best cookie manager for Chrome."

Room for Improvement

Even with its high rating and positive reviews, the Awesome Cookie Manager isn't without its flaws. Some users have mentioned the need for the tool to support boolean search operations and the ability to add new cookies. These are areas the developers could focus on to further enhance this productivity tool.


When it comes to productivity apps for Chrome, the Awesome Cookie Manager stands out as an extension that helps organize your daily digital tasks efficiently. Despite some shortcomings, its positive user reviews and high rating solidify its position as one of the top chrome productivity apps. So, if you're looking to boost your productivity and organize your daily schedule, this extension might be what you're looking for.


[1] “Awesome Cookie Manager,” Google Chrome Web Store. [Online]. Available: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/awesome-cookie-manager/...

Allows search for cookies.

Can view and edit cookie properties.

Enables cookie deletion.

Option to save and restore cookies.

Supports range selection.

Doesn't update background page settings.

Issues with cookie expiration date.

124 reviews
10 Reviews For This Extension
Lau R (喵閃閃)

very helpful

Tony England

I absolutely loved it. Finally, I can use checkboxes again to search to delete unwanted cookies en masse, 5 stars from me.


cant backup all saved cookies

Google User

Updated. Doesn't work! I had to restore my cookies using this extension as they were deleted using Chrome's cookie cleaner. I did this on purpose: saved my cookies with this extension, I then deleted them via Chrome. I went to "restore" the cookies and proceeding to my banking sites. The cookies weren't valid and I had to go through the same 2-Factor Authentication as there were no cookies saved. This kind of makes sense. This application was updated last in 2021, it's 2023. Chrome has changed a lot. Developer has abandoned this extension. What a shame!


Best cookie manager for Chrome, Had to remove pesky tracking cookies from ads, got tired of being served stupid ads. It allowed me to remove certain cookies, I didn't want to clear my whole cookies due to sign ins. This is a great utility for advanced users.

Michael Elliott

As a cookie manager it's alright. Could be a lot better if it supported boolean search operations. However, there's no way to manually resize the window, and it is not large enough even in the largest size in the dropdown. It needs to be alllowed to be "taller", as tall as the entire screen. As it is, you have to mess with two independent vertical scrollbars to accomplish any task--the one farthest right for the entire window because it can't fit it's UI in the space it allows (750 pixels max!), and then you also have to use the "inboard" scrollbar to the left of the other one to scroll the list of cookies for selection operations. The ability to open the UI in it's own full tab would be much better than just a window that disappears if you accidentally click outside it anywhere, which is what it is presently limited to. It's *settings* open in a full tab; why not the actual UI?

Christopher Merrill

Not very awesome - can't add a new cookie :(

Eric Dawson

No frills, extremely efficient, zero bugs. A quick scan of the reviews betrays user deficiencies, not extension deficiencies. Type the domain to efficiently filter the cookies you're looking for, delete, and get on with your day.


Please add an option to save/load cookies to/from files and also to rename the title of saved cookies.

th ch

Nice !

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